Terrantai Blog

February 2nd, 2023


Guanacos and foxes are regular victims of being run over on the San Pedro highway, which is why driving prudently is very important. Avoid going into the dunes or national parks by car, not listening to loud music that disturbs the behavior of birds, and not stepping on wetlands are tips given by experts and locals in the area.

Biodiversity is yet another victim of the climate crisis. And while there are global efforts to prevent the list of endangered species from continuing to grow, each person can also contribute to the conservation of ecosystems through simple actions. In addition, taking into account the traditions of our environment and the places we visit as tourists contributes to the respect for the culture and communities that we seek to promote in Terrantai.

Follow the following tips for when you visit us:

1. Drive carefully

You must be attentive to the road and not speeding on routes and highways, especially those that are connected to natural and/or rural sectors, because it can generate the run over of wildlife. The two most run over animals in Chile are owls and foxes, although records of native animals dying in this way appear every day. Therefore, the recommendation is to walk at a prudent speed that allows adequate space and time to stop in case any species approaches the road.

2. Buy local products

Using products from the area contributes to the economic reactivation of this rural community, and thus you can support the work of producers and artisans in the area. In this way, you can also value their way of life and worldview, incorporating the experience of cultural and community tourism in each of our purchases and experiences.

3. Don’t feed the animals

Regarding the animals that can be seen, we recommend that you do not approach them, or do so from a prudent distance. It is common that sometimes foxes, guanacos, vicuñas and chinchillas feel curious and approach places where people are, but even if that happens, you should not get too close to have a better record of them, especially with birds like the flamingos or the rheas.
If one approaches you, you can watch them, since the animal will surely smell you and leave. But you shouldn’t get close on purpose, let alone attract them by throwing food at them, because if you feed wildlife, a phenomenon called ‘habituation’ is generated, in which the species gets used to people giving it food and loses its innate capacity. to look for their own food and therefore they can die.

4. Trekking on trails

If you are going to walk through a park or natural environment, you must not leave the delimited paths and you must always follow the routes. Footsteps outside of them can affect the regeneration of wetlands, rock formations and others. Thus, you avoid stepping on small plants that are coming out over the edges or killing insects that are essential for the environment. Also, you don’t have to cut flowers, because these later become seeds and are what allow ecosystems to regenerate.

5. Take care of water and choose sustainable

On vacation we have the opportunity to be “agents of change”. For example, if we choose places where we are going to spend the summer, that they have an ecological approach, use renewable energy, take care of water and compost organic waste.

Wherever we go, be it a hotel or a campsite, we can ask what they do to protect nature. With that question we are going to be motivating those who make a living from tourism to also start thinking about how to be more sustainable and I think that is a great opportunity.

With these 5 simple tips, you will already be contributing in large part to the community of San Pedro and its native flora and fauna. Also, you will enjoy a trip with fewer inconveniences and more and better experiences in the north of our country.
